Helping organizations identify clients in applications, or maybe Selling additional products or services to the client, or maybe A system that automatically tracks all stages of the sales process, or maybe Selling larger products or services to the client. Which of the following represents sales force automation?

Salesforce management systems (also Sales Automation Systems (SFA)) are information systems used in customer relationship management (CRM), marketing and management that help automate certain sales and function sales force management. They are often connected to the marketing information system, in this case they are often called CRM systems.

SFA, usually part of the CRM system, is a system that automatically records all stages of the sales process. SFA includes a contact management system that tracks all contacts that have been made with a particular customer, for contact purposes, and any observations that may be needed. This ensures that sales efforts are not duplicated, reducing the risk of annoying customers. The SFA also includes a lead sales tracking system that lists potential customers through paid phone lists, or to customers of related products. Other elements of the SFA system may include sales forecasting, order management and product knowledge. More-developed SFA systems have capabilities where customers can actually model the product to meet their needs through online product construction systems. It is increasingly popular in the automotive industry where readers can customize various functions such as color and internal functions such as leather vs. upholstered seats.

Which of the following represents sales force automation?

Mobile application for sales force automation

Many sales managers are always on the move. The rise of smartphones has reignited the creation of mobile sales force automation systems. Most IT companies are aware that the adoption of new skills requires extensive research. Despite the time needed to test such a new product, it will pay off in the future to the sales department. Smartphones appeal to sellers because they are easy to move and easy to use, show off the attractive appearance of the interface, touch screens and fast wireless capabilities. Over 55% of the global organization 2000 will implement the mobile SFA project through 2011 and newer Smartphone platforms, such as Apple iOS and Google Android, point to the future by increasing diversity in device selection and sales force support. When implementing a mobile application to automate a sales department or during the first stage of the IT system development life cycle, project teams will need to assess how potential solutions containing mobile devices, software and support infrastructure and the service carrier are packaged to provide optimal system usability, management and integration skills, as well as scalability, reliability and performance.


The main disadvantages in Sales Force Systems Management are:

  • Difficulty in accepting the system
  • He spent too much time on Data Entry
  • Loss of an individual approach in the automation process
  • The laborious process of continuous maintenance, information update, information cleaning and system updates
  • Costs related to Sales Force Automation Systems and maintenance
  • Difficulties in integration with other information management systems



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